Sunday, December 10, 2006

Umm...almost winter?!?!

Yikes! Karin and Pickles are again demonstrating just how terrific they are at starting grand projects and letting them fall by the wayside. Ok, so it has now been about 4 months since the last post. Any updates? Well the weather has turned, Pickles has decided to hold a grudge about Karin's frequent departures and forced care by a pet-sitting service, and Karin is looking forward to leaving Pickles yet again over Christmas. Ok, so perhaps that came out wrong...Karin is not looking forward to leaving Pickles (although the recent attitude issue has not lent-itself to the warm fuzzies between Karin and Pickles), rather she is looking forward to heading home to see the family and fiance for Christmas. Poor Pickles must spend the holidays alone given that the fascist airlines have no-pet periods over the holidays. Ok, I think they can go in the undercarriage, but poor little Pickles deserves to be in-cabin, I mean he doesn't even weight 1 pound, he doesn't smell or make noise, so what's the problem. The only good thing about not bringing Pickles onboard is that it spares him the fear and humiliation of having to be plucked from his little soft-sided carrier and hand-walked through the metal detector. Let's just say his first time through was not fun times for all hehehe. Alright, well that is the news for now. Once Karin feels like she has returned to her body (combination of fighting off a cold, recovery from last trip and car accident - don't worry, she is fine, just a little sleepy - ok, maybe also part laziness), there will hopefully e more wit, candor, pictures and current affairs commentary beyond the following thought...
Umm, what's with all the James Bond-esque goings-on as of late? It's enough to give quasi-conspiracy theorists fodder to cross over to the dark side!
Mr. Pickles 00P and K., signing off