Sunday, May 02, 2010

Random Thoughts on a Sunday...

1. The garden looks good so far. No plants have died, 2 of 3 tomato plants are flowering and I bought a jasmine plant too. Yay!

2. Went salsa dancing last night at Gloria's. I was wary because I'm a bit of a snob and don't dig the dance-school-cult crowd, but it turned out to be great fun. I've got the aching feet today to prove it. Next Friday we might try La Joya for something new, at least new to me. Funny thing is that I danced with a Honduran for quite awhile, and although it was pretty loud and hard to hear, he told me I was going to marry him. I asked him if he had a green card, because I needed one. hehehe Ok, so technically I would need to marry a citizen rather than a greencard holder but I didn't want to say I needed to marry a legal citizen. Kinda funny and he didn't even run off at that point, although shortly after I told him I was difficult, he excused himself to the bathroom and I never saw him again. Like I have told people many a time, I suck at the dating scene.

3. Speaking of dating scene, I've got lots of matches on eharmony but now I have to decide if I am up for the financial commitment. That's the rub. You can create a profile and see your matches, but you can't communicate with them unless you subscribe. The subscription part is a bit of a scam too because they really, really, really try to rope you in for a 1-year commitement by making the 3-month package or the one-month trial a lot more expensive. The catch is that they bill you up front, so although they say it's like $23 or $49 or whatever a month, it's all paid when you subscribe. Or, if you go for a 12-month plan, you can have it spread out over 3 payments. My real problem with this is that I am a bit of a cheapskate and have commitment issues in signing up for 12 months for a service I have never used before, but it hurts me to thing of paying 25% of a 12-month deal for the 1-month trial. And all for the plasure of "dating." Arg. I kind of loath the idea and yet I don't meet enough new people in day to day life to get even 1 date, so here I am stuck...

4. Yay, a swallow just landed on my balcony as I am writing this. I love watching their acrobatic flight shows.

5. Legend of the Seeker is a repeat!! And I mean a repeat of a repeat! Arg. I guess that means I should probably get my act together, put on some clothes and get some groceries today. Oooo, Whole Foods here I come!!

6. Don't you hate it when the pharmacy doesn't remind you that your prescription is about to or has already run out?!? Now I have to try and get my doctor to refill or at least give me a bridge one til I can get in for an appointment. I wish someone would have told me sooner. I mean I know it's my responsability too to look at the number of refills remaining on the tag, but some help, even a mention of it just once near the end from the pharmacy team would have been nice. Sigh...

That's all I have for now. Just a lazy Sunday...