Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Well I guess we'll see you all back at the polls in a couple of years when this minority government is toppled...
Harper better not let his dragon out of his shed!
And next time more people should get out and vote, I mean sheesh you people! What was the turn-out, like 62% or so?!?! Unless you want to keep repeating this minority-toppling-and-back-to-the-polls thing every couple of years or so, more people need to participate in the system. It only takes a few minutes and if you really don't want to leave your house you can even apply for a mail-in ballot. There are very few excuses, especially for the people who were at home but just didn't feel like it. You had better not complain then!
Whatever, I just wanted to get that off my chest. Pickles concurs, and, as I also found out last night, Pickles does not like popcorn or grapes...can you blame a gal for trying to add some interest to a pretty boring diet?!?!

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