Wednesday, January 10, 2007

1 Month Later

More projects on the go! Between Karin's Nintendo DS Lite and the daily Brain Age Training (not to mention her likely to have run-off by now due to neglect Nintendog Barkles), World of Warcraft online, knitting ( there's not much time for a social life. Good thing she left that back West! (with a hint of sarcasm, obviously...) Thank goodness there's always an occasional break when Uncle Rico makes her go out after work to consume some potent potables. On the Pickles front...Pickles doesn't hate Karin, but Karin has the sneaking suspicion he's still not too keen on her, and is likely to be even less so once she bathes him and clips his toenails over the next couple of days. She might have also found a vet to check out the lump on his front shoulder/leg that seems to have grown a little under the skin. An email of inquiry has been sent, now all that remains is to hear a reply that they do actually treat these kinds of little critters. Lastly for now Karin's term will be up at the end of May and so she will, out of survival's necessity (she will not wait and hope the term is extanded only to be potentially jobless in 5 months time), she is slowly beginning the search for a new place to sit her bottom and ...wait a sec, that sounds like she isn't going to be doing anything but chair warming. Perhaps a milky-tea is in order to snap her out of the mid-afternoon zombie state she seems to be in right now. Anyway, she will be looking high and low, near and far, abroad and in-broad (or perhaps that should be internationally and domestically hehehe) for a position to pay the bills but that will also be hopefully closer to where fiance is right now or where he could move to in the near future. Fingers crossed something pops up because she's ever so sad, after coming back from Christmas, that she's so far away from her peeps, I mean who will look after her is she has to get an operation or something?!?! Ok, Karin will now return to being a productive and responsible adult for the rest of the afternoon so that she can go home on time, haul out her granny cart to go grocery shopping and maybe even buy herself a little treat-y, especially since someone at the WW meeting today mentioned that the WW frozen foods are now being sold at the Independent Grocers' (Hartman's you better get on that or face the wrath of a Lean Cuisined-out, high on Jelly Bellies, desperately needing a haircut 30-something desperada. PS You have approximately 3 hours to make it so).

Ramble a lot? Ok, maybe, but at least it's only been a month since the last blurb. Maybe once Karin gets to level 20 on WoW she will start writing more witty, political, intellectual stuff because no doubt her Mana, Strength, Agility, Spirit and Intelligence will have reached a level of quasi-perfection that Karin won't be able to bear the drivel of late. Or perhaps she's succumbing to the allure of the online gaming world............aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (As she falls into the abyss, which might make Pickles happy because if she plunges soon no bath for him).

It would also be nice for some snow please. While Karin is enjoying the sun, she would like something pretty to cover up the dead stuff and she expects the canal to freeze over soon so that the skates she hauled out here in her suitcase will actually be put to some good use!

And if someone can tell Karin how to sue a taxi company for damages incurred to her in a taxi accident while she was a passenger, please feel free to pass that info. along. It has been an interesting ride trying to figure out who can and actually will do anything...

Signing off once more,
yours truly,
Pickles the Hedgehog and Karin

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